The Screen condition models interior wire gauzes, grilles, or perforated plates as thin permeable barriers. Common correlations are included for resistance and refraction coefficients. The Screen boundary condition can only be applied on interior boundaries.
Screen Type
The available options for the Screen type are Wire gauze, Square mesh, Perforated plate, and User defined. The settings are defined by the equations shown based on the selection (excluding User defined) which in turn adjusts what is available in the Parameters section.
If Wire gauze, Square mesh, or Perforated plate is selected as the Screen type, values or expressions for the Solidity σs (ratio of blocked area to total area of the screen) should be specified.
For Wire gauze a value or expression for the Wire diameter d should also be specified.
The User defined options requires the dimensionless Resistance coefficient K.
For all screen types, the Refraction defaults to Wire gauze. With the User defined option, a different Refraction coefficient η (dimensionless) can be specified.