The LES RBVM (spf) interface (

) is used for simulating single-phase flows at high Reynolds numbers by resolving the larger three-dimensional unsteady eddies and modeling the effect of the smaller eddies. The physics interface is currently only suitable for incompressible flows.
A different LES model can be selected under LES model. A RANS turbulence model can be selected by changing the
Turbulence model type to
and a DES model can be selected by changing the
Turbulence model type to
DES. Laminar or creeping flow may be simulated by changing the
Turbulence model type to
The LES RBVM model employs per default a Low Re wall treatment, which applies a Dirichlet condition for the velocity field.
Select the Automatic option in order to apply a tangential-stress condition based on a blending of asymptotic expressions in the viscous wall layer and the log layer. The automatic wall treatment gives a robust formulation that makes the most out of the available resolution.
Select this check box to edit the L-VEL wall-treatment parameters,
κl and
El, and the turbulence model parameter,
Cμ, for the
Include synthetic turbulence option in the
Velocity inlet condition. Turbulence model parameters are optimized to fit as many flow types as possible, but for some special cases, better performance can be obtained by tuning the model parameters.
Select the Use dynamic subgrid time scale check box to use the time derivative from the previous time step to estimate temporal changes in the unresolved scales.