The Creeping Flow Interface
The Creeping Flow (spf) interface () is used for simulating fluid flows at very low Reynolds numbers for which the inertial term in the Navier–Stokes equations can be neglected. Creeping flow, also referred to as Stokes flow, occurs in systems with high viscosity or small geometrical length scales (for example, in microfluidics and MEMS devices). The fluid can be compressible or incompressible, as well as Newtonian or non-Newtonian.
The equations solved by the Creeping Flow interface are the Stokes equations for conservation of momentum and the continuity equation for conservation of mass.
The Creeping Flow interface can be used for stationary and time-dependent analyses.
The main feature is the Fluid Properties node, which adds the Stokes equations and provides an interface for defining the fluid material and its properties. Except where noted below, see The Laminar Flow Interface for all other settings.
Physical Model
By default, the Neglect inertial term (Stokes flow) check box is selected. If unchecked, or, if the Turbulence model type is changed to RANS, the inertial terms are included in the computations.
By default, the Creeping Flow interface uses P2+P1 elements. Contrary to general laminar and turbulent single-phase flow simulations employing purely linear P1+P1 elements, P2+P1 elements are well suited for most creeping flow simulations but are not in general fully conservative. Full conservation properties and high accuracy is obtained by selecting P2+P2 or P3+P3 elements.
Note that P1+P1, P2+P2, and P3+P3 discretizations (the so-called equal order interpolations) require streamline diffusion to be active.