Initial Values
The Initial Values node adds an initial value for the water depth and water flux that serve as an initial condition for a transient simulation. If more than one set of initial values is required, add additional Initial Values nodes from the Physics toolbar.
Initial Values
Select the set of variables to be defined in Initial values Primitive variables (the default), or Conservative variables.
For the Water depth, select Specify water depth (the default) or Specify total height.
For Specify water depth provide a value or an expression for the water depth. The default is 0 m.
For Specify total height provide a value or an expression for the Total height of the water column H. The default is 0 m. When using this option, the initial water depth is calculated as
The variable used to define the water flux q will depend on the selection of the Initial values selection list:
For Primitive variables provide a value or an expression for the components of the velocity u. The default is 0 m /s. The initial water depth is then calculated as
For Conservative variables provide a value or an expression for the components of the water flux q. The default is 0 m2 /s.