Porous Medium
The Porous Medium node adds the Brinkman equations (excluding any mass sources) to the interface. It has two default subfeatures — the Fluid subfeature where the fluid density ρ(SI unit: kg/m3) and dynamic viscosity μ (SI unit: Pa·s) are defined and the Porous Matrix subfeature where the permeability κ (SI unit: m2) and porosity εp (dimensionless) are specified.
Flow Model
Define if the flow follows a linear or nonlinear pressure-velocity relationship.
Darcian flow (default) defines a linear relationship characteristic for low Reynolds number laminar flows.
Non-Darcian flow defines a nonlinear relationship due to inertial or turbulence effects.
Porous medium turbulence model
Defines a model which complements the basic turbulence model and accounts for the influence of the porous matrix on turbulent flow in Porous Media.
Default and Nakayama-Kuwahara specify Coefficient of subgrid turbulence generation by porous matrix Cstpm which by default is set to 0.212.
Pedras-de Lemos asks to specify Choice of the Pedras-de Lemos model coefficient. When User defined is chosen, specify Coefficient of subgrid turbulence generation by porous matrix Cstpm with default value 0.212. Choosing Original results in , while choosing Recalibrated results in .