Turbulent Two-Phase Flow Modeling
When the characteristic Reynolds number of the two-phase mixture under investigation becomes high, the flow transitions and becomes turbulent. The influence of the turbulence on the flow characteristics (mixing, particle dispersion, pressure drop, and so on) are usually significant and warrants the use of a turbulence model.
In order to model fluid flow turbulence, the Euler–Euler Model, Turbulent Flow interface uses the k-ε turbulence model. This is realized by solving transport equations for the kinetic energy k (SI unit: m2/s2) and the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy ε (SI unit: m2/s3).
The interface includes the possibility to model the turbulent flow of the two-phase mixture, or to solve for turbulent flow of each phase separately. In the former case, one set of k-ε equations are solved, while in the latter two sets of k-ε equations are solved for, one for each phase.
Mixture Turbulence
Mixture turbulence assumes that the turbulence effects on both the continuous and dispersed phase can be modeled by solving for the turbulence of the resulting two-phase mixture. Here this is done using a two-equation k-ε model where the transport of turbulence quantities is based on based on the mass-averaged mixture velocity
and a volume-averaged mixture viscosity
This implies that the model is appropriate for flows where the relaxation time of the dispersed particles (the time scale on which particles react to changes in the carrier fluid velocity) is not significantly different to the time scale of the turbulence. It is also appropriate for stratified flows, where the mixture mainly consists of one of the phases.
Setting the Two-phase turbulence interface property to Mixture, the turbulence of the two-phase flow is modeled by solving the following k and ε equations:
The equations correspond to the standard two-equation k-ε model including realizability constraints.
The production term is defined accordingly as
and the resulting turbulent viscosity is defined as
where Cμ is a model constant. The viscous stress tensors for the phases are hence defined as
Assuming mixture turbulence, the transport equation for the volume fraction is:
Here the dispersion of the particulate phase by the turbulent fluctuations is modeled using a gradient based hypothesis. The turbulent dispersion coefficient is defined from the turbulent viscosity of the two-phase mixture in the manner of
where σT is a turbulent particle Schmidt number (dimensionless).
The default values of the dimensionless parameters using the Mixture Two-phase turbulence model are:
Phase Specific Turbulence
The phase specific Two-phase turbulence model assumes that the turbulent flow of the continuous and dispersed phase can be modeled by solving for the turbulence of each phase separately by using two sets of k-ε equations. The model implies that the time scales of the turbulent flow of each phase can differ, but it is also computationally more expensive than assuming solving one set of k-ε equations for the mixture.
Setting the Two-phase turbulence interface property to Phase specific, the turbulent flow of the two phases is modeled by solving two sets of k and ε equations, one for each phase. For the continuous phase, the transport equations for k and ε are
while for the dispersed phase the corresponding equations are
The equations for each phase correspond to the standard two-equation k-ε model including realizability constraints.
The production terms are defined as
The resulting turbulent viscosity, applied individually in the momentum equations of the continuous and the dispersed phases, are
where Cμ,c and Cμ,d are model constants. The viscous stress tensors for the phases are hence defined as
As in the case of mixture turbulence, the dispersion of the particulate phase by the turbulent fluctuations is modeled using a gradient based hypothesis (Equation 6-89). For phase-specific turbulence the dispersion coefficient is modeled as a volume average of the respective turbulent diffusivity of each phase
using a turbulent particle Schmidt number σT,d (dimensionless).
The default values of the turbulence model parameters for phase specific turbulence are