Dispersed Phase Boundary Condition Equations
In addition to the boundary conditions for the mixture, specify boundary conditions for the dispersed phase on Wall, Inlet, and Outlet nodes. For these boundary types, the boundary condition’s Settings window contains a Dispersed Phase Boundary Condition section.
Dispersed Phase Concentration
This is the default for the Inlet node. Specify the dispersed phase volume fraction:
Enter the Dispersed phase volume fraction (dimensionless) in the field.
If Solve for interfacial area is selected under the Physical Model section, the dispersed phase number density is also specified. The dispersed phase number density can be specified directly,
or, when Diameter of particles/droplets is selected, computed from the diameter of particles and droplets dd:
Dispersed Phase Outlet
This is the default for the Outlet node. This boundary condition is appropriate for boundaries where the dispersed phase leaves the domain with the dispersed phase velocity ud. No condition is imposed on the volume fractions at the boundary.
A corresponding flux condition is also applied for the number density equation (when Solve for interfacial area is selected under the Physical Model section).
Dispersed Phase Flux
Using this boundary condition, specify the dispersed phase flux through the boundary:
Enter the Dispersed phase flux (SI unit: m/s) in the field.
If Solve for interfacial area is selected under the Physical Model section, the number density flux through the boundary is also specified:
This boundary condition, which is useful on boundaries that represent a symmetry line for the dispersed phase, sets the dispersed phase flux through the boundary to zero:
A corresponding flux condition is also applied for the number density equation (when Solve for interfacial area is selected under the Physical Model section).
No Dispersed Flux
This is the default for the Wall node. This boundary condition represents boundaries where the dispersed phase flux through the boundary is zero:
In the case of moving Wall and Interior Wall, the dispersed flux through the boundary is:
This implies that the flux, relative to the boundary motion, is zero. A corresponding flux condition is also applied for the number density equation (when Solve for interfacial area is selected under the Physical Model section).