The Inlet node prescribes the flow and turbulence conditions (when applicable) at a boundary where one or both phases enter the adjacent domain.
Two-Phase Inlet Type
Selecting Mixture as the Two-Phase Inlet Type, inlet conditions are prescribed for both phases. Selecting Continuous phase or Dispersed phase, inlet conditions are prescribed for the corresponding phase, while wall conditions are applied to the remaining phase.
Continuous Phase
The options available in this section are based on the Two-phase inlet type selected.
When Mixture or Continuous phase is selected as the Two-phase inlet typ the Velocity field, continuous phase uc0 is prescribed.
When Dispersed phase is selected as the Two-phase inlet type, the conditions applied to the continuous phase are No slip (uc=0) or Slip (uc·n=0, and no viscous stresses in the tangential directions).
Using the Phase specific option for the Two-phase turbulence interface property, the feature also prescribes inlet conditions for the continuous phase turbulence variables.
Specify turbulent length scale and intensity defines the turbulence inlet conditions using the Turbulent intensity IT,c (dimensionless) and the Turbulence length scale LT,c (SI unit: m).
Specify turbulence variables prescribes the Turbulent kinetic energy k0,c (SI unit: m2/s2) and the Turbulent dissipation rate ε0,c (SI unit: m2/s3) at the inlet.
Dispersed Phase
The options available in this section are based on the Two-phase inlet type selected.
When Mixture or Dispersed phase is selected as the Two-phase inlet type, the Velocity field, dispersed phase ud0.
The Dispersed phase boundary condition can be Volume fraction, Mass flux or No flux.
For Volume fraction, specify the Dispersed phase volume fraction, d0, at the inlet. This option locks the value of d, but the exact flux depends on the dispersed phase velocity, ud0.
For Mass flux, prescribe describe the Inward dispersed phase mass flux, (SI unit: kg/(m2·s)). This option prescribes the flux for the dispersed phase, but the resulting volume fraction at the inlet depends on the dispersed phase velocity, ud0.
When Continuous phase is selected as the Two-phase inlet type, the conditions applied to the dispersed phase are No slip (ud=0) or Slip (ud·n=0, and no viscous stresses in the tangential directions).
Using the Phase specific option for the Two-phase turbulence interface property, the feature also prescribes inlet conditions for the dispersed phase turbulence variables.
Specify turbulent length scale and intensity defines the turbulence inlet conditions using the Turbulent intensity IT,d (dimensionless) and the Turbulence length scale LT,d (SI unit: m).
Specify turbulence variables prescribes the Turbulent kinetic energy k0,d (SI unit: m2/s2) and the Turbulent dissipation rate ε0,d (SI unit: m2/s3) at the inlet.
Turbulence Conditions
Using the Mixture option for the Two-phase turbulence interface property, the feature also prescribes inlet conditions for the mixture turbulence variables.
Specify turbulent length scale and intensity defines the turbulence inlet conditions using the Turbulent intensity IT (dimensionless) and the Turbulence length scale LT (SI unit: m).
Specify turbulence variables prescribes the Turbulent kinetic energy k0 (SI unit: m2/s2) and the Turbulent dissipation rate ε0 (SI unit: m2/s3) at the inlet.
Constraint Settings
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