The Wall node includes a set of boundary conditions to describe the flow conditions at a solid wall. The conditions for each phase are selected separately.
Continuous Phase Boundary Condition
Select a Continuous Phase ConditionNo slip (the default), or Slip.
No Slip
A No slip condition models a wall where the velocity of the continuous phase relative to the wall velocity is zero. For a stationary wall, it sets the velocity of the continuous phase to zero:
For turbulent flows, wall functions are used to model the thin region near solid (no slip) walls with high gradients in the flow variables
The Slip option prescribes a no-penetration condition. For a stationary wall, . It is implicitly assumed that there are no viscous effects at the slip wall and hence, no boundary layer develops.
Select the Leakage check box to specify an Inward continuous phase mass flux, (SI unit: kg/(m2·s)). This option is intended for small values of . For large mass fluxes, select us an Inlet feature instead.
Dispersed Phase Boundary Condition
Select a Dispersed velocity boundary conditionNo slip (the default), or Slip. The conditions prescribed for the velocity of the dispersed phase correspond to those described for the continuous phase above.
Dispersed Phase Boundary Condition
The Dispersed Phase Boundary Condition defines the condition at the wall for the volume fraction of the dispersed phase.
No dispersed phase flux prescribes a zero flux condition at the wall.
Select Leakage to prescribe an Inward dispersed phase mass flux, (SI unit: kg/(m2·s)). This option is intended for small values of . For large mass fluxes, select an Inlet feature instead.
Wall Movement
This section contains controls to describe the wall movement relative to the lab (or spatial) frame.
The Translational velocity setting controls the translational wall velocity, utr. The list is per default set to Automatic from frame. The physics automatically detects if the spatial frame moves. This can for example happen if an ALE interface is present in the model component. If there is no movement utr = 0. If the frame moves, utr becomes equal to the frame movement. utr is accounted for in the actual boundary condition prescribed in the Boundary condition section.
Select Manual from Translational velocity selection list in order to manually prescribe Velocity of moving wall, utr. This can for example be used to model an oscillating wall where the magnitude of the oscillations are very small compared to the rest of the model. Specifying translational velocity manually does not automatically cause the associated wall to move. An additional Moving Mesh interface needs to be added to physically track the wall movement in the spatial reference frame.
The Sliding wall option is appropriate if the wall behaves like a conveyor belt; that is, the surface is sliding in its tangential direction. A velocity is prescribed at the wall and the boundary itself does not have to actually move relative to the reference frame.
For 3D components, values or expressions for the Velocity of sliding wall uw should be specified. If the velocity vector entered is not in the plane of the wall, COMSOL Multiphysics projects it onto the tangential direction. Its magnitude is adjusted to be the same as the magnitude of the vector entered.
Constraint Settings
To display this section, click the Show More Options button () and select Advanced Physics Options.
Wall in the Single-Phase Flow interfaces
The Moving Mesh Interface in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual