Mass Transfer
Add a Mass Transfer node to include mass transfer from the gas to the liquid.
Mass Transfer
Select a Mass transfer modelTwo-film theory, Nonequilibrium model, or User defined. For User defined enter a value or expression for the Mass transfer from gas to liquid mgl (SI unit: kg/(m3·s)). The default is 0 kg/(m3·s).
Nonequilibrium Model
For Nonequilibrium model enter values or expressions for each of the following:
Inverse time scales fl and fg (SI unit: 1/s). The default is 0 s-1.
The mass transfer is modeled as
Two-film theory
For Two-film theory enter values for the Mass transfer coefficient k (SI unit: m/s), Henry’s constant H (SI unit: Pa·m3/mol), the Dissolved gas concentration c (SI unit: mol/m3), and the Molecular weight of species M (SI unit: kg/mol). Refer to the theory below for more information.
Henry’s law gives the equilibrium concentration c* of gas dissolved in liquid:
where H is Henry’s constant. The molar flux per interfacial area, N (SI unit: mol/(s·m2)), is determined by
where k is the Mass transfer coefficient and c is the Dissolved gas concentration in liquid.
The mass transfer from gas to liquid, mgl, is given by
where M is the Molecular weight of species and a is the interfacial area per volume (SI unit: m2/m3).
Also see Theory for the Bubbly Flow Interfaces for details about how a is computed.
For two-film theory, you also need to solve for the concentration of the dissolved gas;
which can be done by adding a Transport of Diluted Species interface.