The Laminar Three-Phase Flow, Phase Field Interface
The Laminar Three-Phase Flow, Phase Field interface (), found under the Multiphase Flow>Three-Phase Flow, Phase Field branch (), is a multiphysics interface designed to track the interfaces between three immiscible and incompressible fluids. The flow is assumed to be laminar; that is, a flow characterized by a low-to-moderate Reynolds number. The density of each fluid is assumed to be constant, but the there is no restriction on the density differences between the separate fluids.
When adding the Laminar Three-Phase Flow, Phase Field multiphysics interface, a Laminar Flow and a Ternary Phase Field interface are added to the Model Builder. In addition the Multiphysics node, including the multiphysics coupling feature Three-Phase Flow, Phase Field is added.
The Multiphysics Branch in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual.
Simulations using the Laminar Three-Phase Flow, Phase Field interface are always time-dependent since the position of an interface almost always depends on its history.