The Outlet node includes a set of boundary conditions describing fluid flow and temperature conditions at an outlet. The applied conditions are controlled by the Flow Condition.
Flow Condition
Select a Flow conditionHybrid (the default), Supersonic, or Subsonic.
Using a Hybrid condition, both subsonic (Ma < 1) and supersonic flow (M> 1) conditions at the outlet are supported.
Select Supersonic when the flow at the outlet is known to be supersonic.
Select Subsonic when the flow at the outlet is known to be subsonic.
Flow Properties
This section displays when the Hybrid or Subsonic flow condition is selected.
For Hybrid an outlet pressure is specified. This pressure is enforced at the outlet when the flow is subsonic. Select an Input stateStatic (the default) or Total. The relation between the static and total pressure is defined in Equation 5-2.
For Static enter a value or expression for the Static pressure p0,stat (SI unit: Pa). The default is 1 atm.
For Total enter a value or expression for the Total pressure p0,tot (SI unit: Pa). The default is 1 atm.
For Subsonic select the Boundary conditionNormal Stress (the default) or Pressure. Then enter a value or expression for the Normal stress f0 (SI unit: N/m2) or Pressure p0 (SI unit: Pa). The defaults are 1 atm for both.