The Dispersed Two-Phase Turbulent Flow, k-ε, with Species Transport Interface
This multiphysics interface () is used to simulate two-phase flow, in the turbulent regime, coupled to transport of dilute solutes in each the two fluid phases.
It combines the Mixture Model, k-ε, the Continuous Phase Transport of Diluted Species interface and the Dispersed Phase Transport of Diluted Species interface. The Dispersed Two-Phase Flow, Diluted Species multiphysics coupling, which is added automatically, couples the two-phase flow with mass transport. The mass transport interfaces solve for the development of one or several solutes present in the continuous and dispersed fluid phase. The interface can be used for stationary and time-dependent analysis in 2D, 2D axial symmetry, and 3D.
On the constituent physics interfaces:
The Mixture Model, k-ε interface solves one set of Navier–Stokes equations for the momentum of the mixture. The pressure distribution is calculated from a mixture-averaged continuity equation and the velocity of the dispersed phase is described by a slip model. The volume fraction of the dispersed phase is tracked by solving a transport equation for the volume fraction. Turbulence effects are modeled using the standard two-equation k-ε model with realizability constraints. Flow close to walls is modeled using wall functions.
Continuous Phase Transport of Diluted Species interface solves for an arbitrary number of solute concentrations present in the continuous phase. The species equations include transport by convection, and diffusion within the phase, as well as reactions and solute extraction between the continuous and dispersed phase. Mass transfer close to solid walls is modeled using wall functions.
Dispersed Phase Transport of Diluted Species interface solves for an arbitrary number of solute concentrations present in the dispersed phase. The species equations include transport by convection, and diffusion within the phase, as well as reactions and solute extraction between the continuous and dispersed phase. Mass transfer close to solid walls is modeled using wall functions.