For Density, the accumulated variable is divided by the volume of the mesh element where it is defined.
For Count, the accumulated variable is unaffected by the element size.
For Elements, the accumulated variable is proportional to the instantaneous value of the Source term R for all applicable rays.
For Elements and time, the time derivative of the accumulated variable is proportional to the instantaneous value of the Source term R for all applicable rays, and thus the accumulated variable considers the time history of rays in the modeling domain instead of just their current values.
If Domains is selected, rays only contribute to the accumulated variable on their releasing surface if they are still active; that is, they are still propagating through a domain.
If Boundaries is selected, the rays only contribute to the accumulated variable if they have become stuck or frozen to a boundary somewhere in the model.
If Domains and boundaries is selected, all of the active, stuck, and frozen rays released by a feature can contribute to the accumulated variable.