Computing the Displacement in the Elastic Waves, Time Explicit
The Elastic Waves, Time Explicit interface solves for the velocity v and the strain ε. It is sometimes useful to also compute the displacement u. This comes at an additional computational cost as an additional equation needs to be solved. The cost depends on where the displacement evaluation is required, in a point, on an edge, on a boundary, or in a domain. In all cases the simple ODE related the displacement and the velocity:
This computation is predefined in the Compute Displacement features that can be added as a subnode to the Elastic Waves, Time Explicit Model node.
For an example where this feature is used in a point see the tutorial Isotropic-Anisotropic Sample: Elastic Wave Propagation. The Application Library path: Acoustics_Module/Elastic_Waves/isotropic_anisotropic_sample