The Piezoelectric Waves, Time Explicit Interface
The Piezoelectric Waves, Time Explicit multiphysics interface (), found under the Acoustics>Elastic Waves branch () when adding a physics interface. This interface combines The Elastic Waves, Time Explicit Interface and The Electrostatics Interface together with a dedicated multiphysics coupling and material models. These add the constitutive relationships required to model piezoelectric phenomena in the time domain for wave propagation. Both the direct and inverse piezoelectric effects can be modeled and the piezoelectric coupling can be formulated using the strain-charge or stress-charge forms.
The interface is based on the discontinuous Galerkin (dG or dG-FEM) method and uses a time explicit solver. The electrostatics problem is solved at every time step through an algebraic system of equations solved with classical FEM. The piezoelectric problem is solved fully coupled. The method is very memory efficient and can solve problems with many million degrees of freedom (DOFs). The method is also well suited for distributed computing on clusters.
When adding the Piezoelectric Waves, Time Explicit multiphysics interface a dedicated time explicit version of the Piezoelectric Effect multiphysics coupling, called Piezoelectric Effect, Time Explicit, is added. The feature is used to couple the Piezoelectric Material node in Elastic Waves, Time Explicit to the Charge Conservation, Piezoelectric node in Electrostatics.
When setting up models using an Assembly geometry and the Pair multiphysics couplings it is recommended to always use imprints for assemblies. This will both increase performance and stability.
Angle Beam Nondestructive Testing. The Application Library path: Acoustics_Module/Ultrasound/angle_beam_ndt
Ultrasonic Flowmeter with Piezoelectric Transducers. The Application Library path: Acoustics_Module/Ultrasound/flow_meter_piezoelectric_transducers