Solving Large Acoustic-Structure Interaction Models
In models that involve acoustic-structure interaction, the strategy for solving large problems involves solving the system in a segregated way. That is, the system is not solved fully coupled in one step but iterations are used solving one physics interface at a time.
To set up such a solver right-click on the Stationary Solver step and select Segregated. In the first Segregated Step solve for the structural dependent variables (displacement). Set up a second segregated step where you select the pressure dependent variable. Under each of the steps select the solver of choice for solving the single physics interface problem. For example, in the case where only a small structural domain is included, use an iterative multigrid approach for the acoustics (see Solving Large Acoustics Problems Using Iterative Solvers) and a direct solver for the structure.
This strategy is only readily applicable when the coupling between the solid and the acoustic domain is done via Neumann conditions; this is the case for all models where the acoustic domain uses Pressure Acoustics. In, for example, models with thermoviscous acoustic-structure interaction, the coupling is based on a Dirichlet condition (a pointwise constraint) and required reformulating the continuity condition using weak constraints. Nor does this approach work for models coupling piezoelectric domains, structures, and acoustics; here a fully coupled approach is necessary.
Studies and Solvers and Multigrid in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual