Forces in a Moving Body
Calculating forces in moving objects is important, especially for electric motors and other moving electromagnetic devices. When performing the computations in a coordinate system that moves with the object, the electromagnetic fields are transformed. The most well-known relation for moving objects is the one for the electric field. The transformed quantity of the electric field is called the electromotive intensity.
Field Transformations and Galilei Invariants
Assume that the object modeled is moving with a constant velocity, v = v0. The equations now take on a slightly different form that includes the Galilei invariant versions of the electromagnetic fields. The term Galilei invariant is used because they remain unchanged after a coordinate transformation of the type
In continuum mechanics, this transformation is commonly referred to as a Galilei transformation.
The Galilei invariant fields of interest are
The electromotive intensity is the most important of these invariants. The Lorentz magnetization is significant only in materials for which neither the magnetization M nor the polarization P is negligible. Such materials are rare in practical applications. The same holds for the magnetization term of the magnetomotive intensity. Notice that the term ε0v × E is very small compared to B/μ0 except for cases when v and E are both very large. Thus in many practical cases this term can be neglected.
Air and Vacuum
The stress tensor in the surrounding air or vacuum on the outside of a moving object is
There is an additional term in this expression compared to the stationary case.
Elastic Pure Conductor
The stress tensor in a moving elastic pure conductor is
where D = ε0E and B = μ0H.
To get the equation for the balance of forces the divergence of this expression needs to be computed. This requires an introduction of an extra term in Cauchy’s equation corresponding to an additional electromagnetic contribution to the linear momentum. Cauchy’s equation with this extra term is
The extra term is canceled out by the additional term in the stress tensor, and the final result is
For the case of no acceleration, with the explicit appearance of the transformed quantities,
The terms containing v × B cancel out, which yields the following equation:
which is the same expression as for the stationary case.
General Elastic Material
The stress tensor for a moving general elastic material is
The magnetization M and the polarization P occur explicitly in this expression.
To instantiate the stress tensor for the general elastic case a material model explicitly including the magnetization and polarization effects is needed.