Multiphase Winding
A coil, or group of coils, carrying the same current at the same phase angle is commonly referred to a phase within a system where there are coils having different phase angles. In the context of electrical machines a system of coils of different phases is often referred to as a winding. The Multiphase Winding feature simplifies the excitation of a system of coils having multiple phase angles. It is also possible to add a Loss Calculation subfeature in order to compute induced losses.
MultiPhase winding
Winding Name
Enter a Winding name. This name is appended to the variables defined by this winding.
Peak Phase Current
Enter the Peak phase current, which is the peak value of the current applied to all phases.
Initial Electrical Angle
Enter the Initial electrical angle, which is an angular offset applied to all phases of the system. Typically, the excitation in a multiphase system needs to be adjusted in order to be in a particular angular position relative to other components of the overall system.
Frequency for Time Dependent Studies
Enter the Frequency for time dependent studies, which is the electrical frequency of excitation that defines the speed of a moving or rotating magnetic field.
Winding Layout Configuration
Select the Winding layout configuration to be used. The layout of a winding is the pattern in which the coils are arranged with regard to phase and geometrical position. The different options supported by the Multiphase Winding feature are User defined and Automatic three phase. When User defined is selected, multiple Phase subfeatures can be added, in which domains representing coils of each phase can be selected. Select Automatic three phase to instead configure the domains of all phases under the assumption that the winding is a balanced three phase system where all coils are of equal shape and number of turns, and that all coil positions or slots are fully utilized.
Number of Poles
This field is only available when Automatic three phase is chosen as the Winding layout configuration. Specify the Number of poles of the magnetic field to be excited by the winding.
Number of Slots
This field is only available when Automatic three phase is chosen as the Winding layout configuration. Specify the Number of slots available for all coils of the winding.
Number of Coils Per Slot
This field is only available when Automatic three phase is chosen as the Winding layout configuration. Specify the Number of coils per slot, which is how many coils each slot can accommodate. The automatic winding layout supports either one or two coils per slot.
Add Phases
This button is only available when Automatic three phase is chosen as the Winding layout configuration. When this button is clicked, a check will first be made to see if the number of poles, slots, and coils per slot are valid under the assumptions described for the Automatic three phase setting. If this check passes, three Phase subfeatures will be added under the Multiphase Winding node, with selections of coil domains and corresponding phase angles automatically configured.
Sector settings
Sector Settings
This section is only available when Automatic three phase is chosen as the Winding layout configuration. This setting allows for custom configuration of sector periodicity in models where only a part of the full geometry is included. The two different options in this section are Automatic and User defined. If Automatic is chosen, the settings will automatically match those in any Continuity or Sector Symmetry feature that is present in the model. When User defined is chosen, the options become identical to those in the Sector Symmetry feature.
homogenized multiturn conductor
This section is identical to the corresponding section in the Coil feature.