Arkkio Torque Calculation
Use the Arkkio Torque Calculation node to define globally available torque variables for the selected domains, which is the air gap. Compared with the Force Calculation feature, the Arkkio Torque Calculation requires a much coarser mesh for the same accuracy. For a theoretical discussion, see the section Computing Forces and Torques.
Torque Calculation
Enter a Torque name, which is then appended to global variables. This feature also gives access to the azimuthal and radial force density and magnetic flux density. The computed torque is made available as a global scalar variable with name <name>.Tark_<torque name>, where <name> is the Name of the physics interface.
The Arkkio Torque Calculation node has to be used together with Continuity, Sector Symmetry, or Arkkio Extra Circular Boundaries features. The Arkkio parameters and Number of sectors default to be automatically retrieved in most cases. Otherwise, User defined options are available.
Advanced Settings
To display this section, click the Show More Options button () and select Advanced Physics Options in the Show More Options dialog box.
This section enables you to set a Tolerance for automatic entity identification when Arkkio parameters is set to Automatic.