Homogenized Shell Connection
The Homogenized Shell Connection is available for edges. It can be used to override the natural default electric insulation between Layered Shell and Homogenized Shell features. For more information about continuity of electric potential in Electric Currents, Layered Shell interface, go to Electrical Continuity in the Electric Currents, Layered Shell Interface.
The Homogenized Shell Connection removes for the selected layers, the potential gradient in the direction normal to the shell (in the direction of the extra dimension), by setting the potential equal to the one in the base selection. The base selection potential is the one used by the Homogenized Shell feature. Setting the potential equal to the base potential creates an electrical connection between the selected layers, and Homogenized Shell boundaries adjacent to the selected edge.
Layer Selection
Select the applicable layers. The layered material is given by the Layered Shell parent feature.
Constraint Settings
To display this section, click the Show More Options button () and select Advanced Physics Options.