Bolt Modeling Theory
Tightening Torque
When the bolt preload is given in terms of the tightening torque, a detailed mechanical analysis of the bolt mechanics is needed for the conversion.
The total required torque, MT, is to a large extent determined by frictional losses. It can, however, be shown that it is directly proportional to the axial force in the bolt, F.
The torque consists of a sum of two parts, the torque in the thread, Mt, and the torque caused by friction under the head, Mh,
The moment around the bolt axis caused by rotating the bolt head can be expressed as
Here, μh is the coefficient of friction under the bolt head (or nut, whichever is rotating), and re is an effective radius at which the circumferential force can be considered as acting. If the contact pressure under the bolt head is assumed to be constant, then the effective radius can be computed as
Here, r is the distance from the bolt axis, and the integrals are taken over the contact area under the bolt head.
For a circular bolt head, this gives
where do is the outer diameter of the bolt head, and dh is the bolt hole diameter.
For a hexagonal bolt head, the expression for the effective radius is
Here, H is the width (spanner size) of the bolt.
To compute the bolt thread moment, a detailed analysis of the thread geometry is necessary. Omitting the details,
Here, dp is the mean diameter of the bolt thread.
The lead angle of the bolt, φ, is given by
where l is the lead (expressed in the same units as dp). This term, which is purely geometrical, gives the relation between torque and bolt force under ideal (frictionless) conditions.
The friction angle ε is defined as
Here, μt is the coefficient of friction in the thread, while α is half the thread angle.
Since all terms in the torque are proportional to the bolt force, the axial force in the bolt can now be computed from the torque as
For many threads, for example in the ISO and UTS standards, α = 30°. Since the lead angle φ is small (about 3°), a good approximation is .