Applied Moment (Rigid Connector)
Use the Applied Moment subnode to apply a moment at the center of rotation. The moment that you specify is interpreted in the selected coordinate system.
Coordinate System Selection
The Coordinate system list contains all applicable coordinate systems in the model. Select a Coordinate system for specifying the directions of the moment.
In 2D, the moment is a scalar input, and is not affected by the coordinate system selection.
Applied Moment
For 3D components, select the Direction of the applied moment — Space-fixed direction or Body-fixed direction.
For Space-fixed direction, the directions of the applied moment M are fixed with respect to the selected Coordinate system.
For Body-fixed direction, the directions of the applied moment M follow the rotation of the rigid domain.
Enter values or expressions for the Applied moment M.
For 3D components, enter the x, y, and z components of M.
You can add the Phase subnode to specify the phase of this load in a frequency domain analysis.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with Rigid Connector node selected in the model tree: