Applied Moment (Rigid Domain)
Use the Applied Moment subnode to apply moments on a rigid domain. The moment that you specify is interpreted in the selected coordinate system.
Coordinate System Selection
The Coordinate system list contains all applicable coordinate systems in the model. Select a Coordinate system for specifying the directions of the moment.
In 2D, the moment is a scalar input, and is not affected by the coordinate system selection.
Applied Moment
For 3D components, select the Direction of the applied moment — Space-fixed direction or Body-fixed direction.
For Space-fixed direction, the directions of the applied moment M are fixed with respect to the selected Coordinate system.
For Body-fixed direction, the directions of the applied moment M follow the rotation of the rigid domain.
Enter values or expressions for the Applied moment M.
For 3D components, enter the x, y, and z components of M.
You can add the Phase subnode to specify the phase of this load in a frequency domain analysis.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with Rigid Domain node selected in the model tree: