This section is only present when Creep is used as a subnode to:
Diffusivity D.
Hardening exponent m. The default is 0.
Hardening exponent m. The default is 0.
Reference temperature Tref. The default value, Inf, corresponds to omitting the term with Tref in the Arrhenius expression.
Creep activation energy Q. The default is 0 J/mol.
The Backward Euler method is not available with the Layered Shell interface nor with the Layered Linear Elastic Material in the Shell and Membrane interfaces.
Maximum number of local iterations. To determine the maximum number of iteration in the Newton loop when solving the local creep equations.
Absolute tolerance. To check the convergence of the local creep equations based on the step size in the Newton loop.
Relative tolerance. To check the convergence of the local creep equations based on the step size in the Newton loop. The final tolerance is computed based on the current solution of the local variable and the entered value.
Residual tolerance. To check the convergence of the local creep equations based on the residual of each equation.
To compute the energy dissipation caused by creep, enable the Calculate dissipated energy check box in the Energy Dissipation section of the parent material node (Linear Elastic Material or Nonlinear Elastic Material).