Edge Load
Add an Edge Load as a force or moment distributed along an edge (for the Plate interface add it to boundaries). The load is defined in the given local coordinate system.
Coordinate System Selection
Select the coordinate system to use for specifying the load. From the Coordinate system list select from:
Global coordinate system (the standard global coordinate system).
Local edge system
Face Defining the Orientations
This setting is used in conjunction with Local edge system and Shell Local System. When the load is applied to an edge which is shared between boundaries, the coordinate system can be ambiguous. Select the boundary which should define the edge system. The default is Use face with lowest number.
Through-Thickness Location
Select a surface — Top Surface, Midsurface, or Bottom Surface. The default is that the load is applied at the midsurface. The effect of using another surface than the midsurface is twofold:
To place the load at another distance from the midsurface, select the Offset check box, and enter a value for the offset, zoffset.
If the material model is Section Stiffness, there may physically not be a well-defined top and bottom surface. If the load is applied at such a surface, the thickness value used to compute the load is taken from the settings in the Thickness and Offset node.
If a selected edge is connected to boundaries having different thicknesses, then the result of specifying Top Surface or Bottom Surface is not well-defined.
Select a Load typeForce per unit length (the default), Force per unit area, or Total Force. Enter values or expressions for the components (x, y, z).
Table 5-18:  
After selecting a Load type, the Load list normally only contains User defined. When combining the Shell interface with another physics interface, it is also possible to choose a predefined load from this list.
Select a Load type to define the moment load — Moment per unit length (the default) or Moment per unit area. Enter values or expressions for the components (x, y, z).
This section is available only in the Shell and Plate interfaces.
Table 5-19:  
You can add the Phase subnode to specify the phase of this load in a frequency domain analysis.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with Shell or Membrane selected:
Physics tab with Plate selected: