Layered Hyperelastic Material
The Layered Hyperelastic Material node adds the equations for a layered hyperelasticity at large strains. Hyperelastic materials can be suitable for modeling rubber and other polymers, biological tissue, and also for applications in acoustoelasticity.
The Nonlinear Structural Materials Module is required for this feature. For details, see
If the Composite Materials Module is available, this material model can be applied to arbitrary layers in a multilayered shell. The material properties and layer thicknesses are defined using Layered Material node. The offset, and local coordinate system, in which material orientations and results are interpreted, is defined by Layered Material Link or Layered Material Stack node.
When a hyperelastic material is included in your model, all studies are geometrically nonlinear. The Include geometric nonlinearity check box in the study settings is selected and cannot be cleared.
By adding the following subnodes to the Layered Hyperelastic Material node you can incorporate many other effects. Some of these material models are only available together with the Nonlinear Structural Materials Module (see
Without the Composite Materials Module, only single layer hyperelastic shells can be modeled. This is still useful. In particular, it is used for nonlinear material models, but also for some multiphysics couplings. For single layer materials, an ordinary Material node can be used, as long you include a Shell property group in which, for example, the thickness is given.

The Layered Hyperelastic Material is only available for the Shell interface, but not for the Plate interface.
Shell Properties
For this node, the Shell Properties section is only used for selecting a material model, but not individual layers.
When Use all layers is not selected.
Data given in the other sections of this node applies to all layers. Thus, if you enter material data explicitly, rather relying on the default From material option, you will override that material property for all selected layers.
All other settings for the Hyperelastic Material node are described in the documentation for Hyperelastic Material in the Solid Mechanics interface.
Boundary Selection
The boundary selection in this node is similar to the Linear Elastic Material node. It is however only possible to select boundaries which are part of the selection of a layered material defined in Layered Material Link or Layered Material Stack node.
Hyperelastic Material
Select a Material model and enter the settings as described for the Hyperelastic Material for the Solid Mechanics interface.
Shear Correction factor
Enter the shear correction factors for transverse shear k23 and k13.
When computing the contribution from shear stiffness to the total virtual work, it is necessary to take into account that the shell approximation assumes that shear stresses and strains in the thickness direction are constant, whereas in reality the distribution is more complicated. The shear correction factors are used to compensate for this, so that the total strain energy density is correct.
Energy Dissipation
To display this section, click the Show More Options button () and select Advanced Physics Options in the Show More Options dialog box.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with Shell selected: