Plotting Applied Loads
When solving, default plots containing the applied loads are generated. Figure 2-40 shows an example of such a plot. In this section, it is described in detail how you can work with these plots to fine-tune the visualization.
Figure 2-40: Example of an automatically generated plot to visualize the boundary loads applied to a bracket.
Structure of Default Load Plots
For each structural mechanics physics interface and dataset, a node group is generated under Results. Its name is Applied Loads (<interfaceTag>). Within this node group, one plot group per type of load is created. The possible plot group names are listed in Table 2-21.
Generated from Body Load, Gravity, and Rotating Frame. The plot type depends on the geometrical dimension of the physics interface.
Generated from Boundary Load. Also, from Added Mass on a boundary combined with Gravity or Rotating Frame.
Generated from Face Load in Shell, Plate, and Membrane interfaces.
Generated from Face Load in Shell, Plate, and Membrane interfaces of nonzero moments are present.
Generated from Edge Load. Also, from Added Mass on an edge combined with Gravity or Rotating Frame.
Generated from Edge Load in Shell, Plate, and Beam interfaces if nonzero moments are present.
Generated from Point Load.
Generated from Point Load in Shell, Plate, and Beam interfaces if nonzero moments are present.
Generated from global features like Rigid Connector and Rigid Domain, which have subnodes as Applied Load and Applied Moment. Such loads are a type of point load, but they are applied at a certain location in space, rather than at a point in the geometry.
Generated from Fluid Load in Pipe Mechanics interface.
Generated from Fluid Load in Pipe Mechanics interface.
In general, load groups are generated as soon as there is load of a certain type, irrespective of whether the value of the load is nonzero or not. Load features in which it is possible to enter both a force and a moment contribution, such as Edge Load in the Beam interface, have a special behavior:
Within a load group, there is one plot per load feature. In most cases, the plot has the same label as the generating load feature, for example Boundary Load 2.
Modifying the Visualization
The default appearance of the load plots provides a good overall visualization of the loads applied to the model. However, for complex models or for creating plots for export, you might want to modify the default setting. Most default settings are presented in the following together with some prepared alternative settings and suggestions that you can make use of. While the plots are automatically generated, you can modify them in any way you want to improve the visualization for your specific model; the plots are not reset each time you compute the study.
Style Inheritance
Within a load group, the style of each load plot is inherited from the previous plot. The inheritance can be modified in the Inherit Style section. For example, clear the Color check box to enable different color schemes for different loads and the Color and data range to allow different ranges of the color legends.
Filled Surfaces
In order not to hide any load arrows, the default is to use a transparent representation of the geometry. This is obtained through the extra surface plot Gray Surfaces together with a Transparency subnode. This plot adds a uniform gray surface on each boundary of the geometry. The effect is shown in Figure 2-40. If you disable the Gray Surfaces plot, the structure will have a wireframe outline only. You can modify the transparency level in the Transparency subnode, or delete the node completely. You can, furthermore, add a Selection subnode to the Gray Surfaces node to modify on which boundaries to plot the gray surface.
The Gray Surfaces plot is only generated for physics that use a 2D or 3D representation of the geometry.
Arrow Heads
You can change the attachment of the arrow by changing the setting of Arrow base in the Coloring and Style section. The default is in most cases to place the tail on the geometry. One exception is, for example, a pressure boundary load for which the head of the arrow is placed at the geometry.
Number of Arrows
For distributed fields, the default is to place one arrow at the center of each element, element face, or element edge. If the density of arrows is not appropriate, you can modify the settings in the Arrow Positioning section. For example, change Placement to Mesh nodes to place an arrow in each point of the of the linear mesh, or set it to Uniform to specify an arbitrary number of arrows to be plotted.
Color Scheme
The color scheme of the arrow plots is controlled in a Color Expression subnode. The default color table is a Gradient going from red to black. You can change this in the Coloring list. By selecting Color table, the color table is automatically set to Spectrum. This color table can be useful for a clear visualization of the applied loads, when, for example, the magnitude varies significantly between load features.
By default, the load plots are presented in the initial configuration of the model. However, when applicable, a Deformation subnode is added to each plot, but with the Scale factor set to zero. Modify the scale factor to view the loads in a deformed state. Note that when multiple load plots exist in a plot group, the scale factor is by default inherited from the first plot. The exception is the Gray Surfaces plot, where the scale factor is set independently of the other plots.
When the analysis includes geometric nonlinearities, the Scale factor is by default set to one. Hence, the loads are presented in the deformed configuration for such cases.
Load plots that make use of a Point Trajectories node include the displacements explicitly in order to visualize the current position of the load.
Using Load Plots During Preprocessing
The automatically generated plots of the applied loads can be useful during preprocessing, for example to verify that loads are applied on the correct boundary and in the intended direction. To generate the load plots before computing the study, right-click the Study node, and select Get Initial Value, see Computing the Initial Values. Doing so will generate all default plots requested by the currently active features in all physics interfaces active in the study.
Note that the default plots are only generated the first time a dataset is created, which means that the settings will not be updated for subsequent computation of the solution. Moreover, load plots will not be generated for load features that are added after the creation of the dataset. To generate new plots when new load features have been added, either delete the current dataset and its associated plot groups, or create a new solution sequence. Then compute the solution or do the Get Initial Value to generate the load plots.