Point Load, Free
Add a Point Load, Free node to describe concentrated loads with locations specified by coordinates. Such loads do not have to be placed in a geometrical point or in a mesh node. This is particularly useful for the following cases:
You can check the number of loads that were ignored through the variable <phys>.<load_tag>.num_ignored, for example beam.plf1.num_ignored.
Location and Force
For each row in the table, enter the data for one load. If material frame input is used, then the location is specified in terms of the material coordinates (X, Y, Z). If spatial frame input is used, then the spatial coordinates (x, y, z) are used. Then, enter the force and moment values, Fxl, Fyl, Fzl, Mxl, Myl, and Mzl. The force and moment vectors are interpreted in the coordinate system selected in the Coordinate System Selection section.
Pratt Truss Bridge: Application Library path Structural_Mechanics_Module/Beams_and_Shells/pratt_truss_bridge
Context Menus
Physics tab with Beam selected:
Physics tab with Pipe Mechanics selected: