Floating Gate
Use the Floating Gate feature to model a gate contact to a dielectric domain (not a semiconductor domain), which is unconnected to any voltage source, or which is connected to a circuit with a floating potential.
In combination with the Insulator Interface feature that connects the dielectric domain and an adjacent semiconductor domain, the Floating Gate can model both the charging and discharging of a floating gate by tunneling from the semiconductor domain through the dielectric domain.
Add this feature from the boundary level Electrostatics submenu.
Floating Gate
Select an External connectionNone (the default) or Circuit (to connect the terminal to an electrical circuit).
Select a Tunnel current Itun (SI unit: A) from the list — None, User defined, or choose a tunnel current announced by one of the Insulator Tunneling features in the model. Current injected into the gate accumulates as charge.
Enter a Contact work function Φc (SI unit: V).
Use the Initial charge Qinit (SI unit: C) setting to determine the initial charge on the gate in a transient simulation, or the charge on the gate in a stationary simulation.