Initial Values
The Initial Values node provides initial values for the electric potential V, electron concentration, and the hole concentration that serve as an initial condition for a transient simulation or as an initial guess for the nonlinear solver in other studies.
Initial Values
Select an option from the Specify initial values list — Automatic (the default), Equilibrium (carriers and potential), Equilibrium (carriers), Intrinsic (carriers and potential), Intrinsic (carriers), or User defined.
The Automatic setting varies based on the Discretization settings for the physics interface. If Finite volume (constant shape function) is selected, then equilibrium conditions are used. If any of the Finite element discretizations are selected, then the intrinsic concentrations are used.
Then depending on the choice, enter a value or expression or keep the defaults as follows:
For Equilibrium (carriers) or Intrinsic (carriers) the default Electric potential V (SI unit: V) is 4 V. The carrier concentrations are automatically set to the equilibrium or intrinsic values.
For User defined the default Electric potential V (SI unit: V) is 4 V, the default Electron concentration N (SI unit: 1/m3) is semi.n_init, and the default Hole concentration P (SI unit: 1/m3) is semi.p_init. For quasi-Fermi level formulation, the default user-defined quasi-Fermi levels are 0 V.