Optical Attenuation Models
Most real-world media absorb some energy from the electromagnetic waves that pass through them, converting this energy into another form such as heat. A medium might also redirect some energy without absorbing it, a phenomenon called scattering which will be explored in a later section.
In the Geometrical Optics interface, an absorbing medium has a complex-valued refractive index of the form n  iκ., where n and κ are real numbers and κ > 0. As a ray propagates through an absorbing medium, the built-in variables that track ray intensity and power may decrease.
Recall that the electric field amplitude of a plane electromagnetic wave in a medium of complex-valued refractive index n  iκ is
Noting that the intensity is proportional to , the imaginary terms in the exponents vanish, leaving only the attenuation term,
Then, using the relationship
the intensity decays exponentially according to
In the physics interface Medium Properties node, you can control how the value of κ is defined by selecting different options from the Optical attenuation model list.
Extinction Coefficient
For Extinction coefficient, enter the value of κ directly.
Attenuation Coefficient
For Attenuation coefficient, enter the value or expression of the coefficient α, defined as
Internal Transmittance
The Optical attenuation model list also includes the following options:
The internal transmittance is the fraction of the ray intensity that is transmitted, rather than absorbed, through a sample of the given thickness d, neglecting Fresnel losses at the surfaces of the sample. Setting x = d in the previous equations,
Solving this equation for κ yields
This result is positive or zero because the internal transmittance cannot exceed unity.
Internal Transmittance Data and Numerical Precision
If internal transmittance data is tabulated for different glasses and different wavelengths, and all internal transmittance values are reported to the same number of digits, loss of precision may occur if the internal transmittance data for a very thin sample of a weakly absorbing glass, or a thick sample of a very strongly absorbing glass, is used.
To see this more concretely, suppose that internal transmittance data is available for 10 mm and 25 mm samples of a glass at λ0 = 600 nm, each reported to three digits. Suppose the reported values are τi,10 = 0.998 and τi,25 = 0.995. Because of roundoff, we may presume the actual value of τi,10 to be between 0.9975 and 0.9985, and similarly for τi,25 to be between 0.9945 and 0.9955. Substituting these lower and upper bounds into Equation 3-6 then gives the following results:
For the 10 mm sample, 7.2 × 10-9 < κ < 12.0 × 10-9
For the 25 mm sample, 8.6 × 10-9 < κ < 10.5 × 10-9
Therefore it would be preferable to use the data for the thicker sample if it is available.
Conversely, if the reported transmittance values were very close to zero (perhaps in the IR or UV range) it would be beneficial to use data for the thinnest sample available.
If a material uses internal transmittance data and one of the options Extinction coefficient or Attenuation coefficient is selected, the transmittance data will automatically be converted to this coefficient. If two or more sets of transmittance data for different sample thicknesses are defined for the material, the default behavior is to use the data for the thicker sample unless otherwise specified.