Scattering Domain
Use the Scattering Domain feature to model extinction of light by a medium containing a number of small spherical particles. As rays propagate through the selected domains, some energy is either converted into heat within the particles (absorption) or sent in a different direction (scattering). The overall removal of light from the initial beam propagation direction is called extinction.
Scattering Model
The Scattering model list is only shown if the ray intensity or power is solved for. If so, choose either Deterministic or Random (the default). If ray intensity or power is not solved for, this feature always behaves as if Random is selected.
If Deterministic is selected, the ray intensity and power will continuously decrease as rays propagate through the selected domains, but the total number or rays will remain the same. If the number density and size of the scattering particles is spatially uniform, the intensity and power will decay exponentially.
If Random is selected, rays will have some probability of disappearing as they propagate through the selected domains. If the ray intensity and power are solved for, they will not continuously decrease along the ray trajectories.
Use the Deterministic option for a reproducible result where nothing is random and the ray variables vary continuously; the Random option is more of a Monte Carlo approach.
Choose an option from the Cross section calculation list. The correct choice depends on the size of the scattering particles in comparison with the wavelength. The individual scattering particles are said to be optically large if the particle diameter is much larger than the wavelength of the radiation. The following options are available:
Small spheres (Rayleigh theory) (the default) is an approximate solution for optically small particles. The particle must be much smaller than the wavelength both inside and outside the particle, an important consideration for tiny metallic particles.
General spheres (Mie theory) is a full solution to the electromagnetic wave equation as a plane wave interacts with a sphere. It is the most accurate solution across a wide range of optical sizes, and the only approach that gives excellent accuracy at intermediate optical sizes, when the wavelength and particle diameter are similar in size. The calculation becomes more time-consuming for extremely large particles.
Large conducting spheres (isotropic reflection) represents the asymptotic limit of scattering by spheres much larger than the wavelength. The total extinction cross section is double the geometrical cross section of the sphere because the sphere blocks a certain amount of light and also causes diffraction along its perimeter.
If Specify efficiency factors is selected, enter values or expressions for the dimensionless extinction and scattering efficiency factors.
If Specify cross section is selected, enter values of expressions for the scattering and absorption cross sections directly.
For all choices of Cross section calculation except Specify cross section, enter the Radius of scattering particle R (SI unit: m). The default is 1 μm.
For all choices of Cross section calculation, enter the Number density of scattering particles N (SI unit: 1/m3). The default is 1020 m-3.
If Small spheres (Rayleigh theory) or General spheres (Mie theory) is selected, enter the Particle refractive index, real part np,r (dimensionless). The default is 1.4. Also enter the Particle refractive index, imaginary part np,i (dimensionless). The default is 10-6. Internally the complex-valued refractive index is defined as n = np,r - inp,i, so positive values here indicate that the scattering particle is absorbing.
If Specify efficiency factors is selected, enter the Extinction efficiency Qext (dimensionless). The default is 2. Also enter the Scattering efficiency Qsca (dimensionless). The default is 2. The absorption efficiency Qabs is then the difference between the extinction efficiency and the scattering efficiency.
If Specify cross section is selected, enter the Extinction cross section σext (SI unit: m2). The default is 10-15 m2. Also enter the Scattering cross section σsca (SI unit: m2). The default is 10-15 m2. The absorption cross section σabs is then the difference between the extinction cross section and the scattering cross section. The scattering efficiency (cross section) should not be greater than the extinction efficiency (cross section).