Visualizing the trajectory of systems with a very large number of particles can consume a lot of computer resources and often particles obscure one another. It is possible to filter the type of particle and the number of particles which should be rendered. To do this, right-click the Particle Trajectories plot type and select Filter.
The Particle type can be set to render primary particles, secondary particles, both, or by a logical expression. The logical expression can be used to plot only particles of a certain species, like red blood cells or protons.
If particles are obscuring one another or the burden on the graphics card is very high, the number of particles rendered can be reduced by changing the Particles to render option. A fraction of the total number of particles to render or the total number of particles to render can be set.
Figure 2-5: Neutralization of a H+ beam by a rarefied buffer gas of argon, showing all particles (upper left), H+ only (upper right), H only (lower left), and Ar+ only (lower right).
If you have the Molecular Flow Module, see Neutralization of a Proton Beam Through a Charge Exchange Cell, Application Library path Molecular_Flow_Module/Industrial_Applications_charge_exchange_cell.