Piezoresistive Effect, Domain Currents
The Piezoresistive Effect, Domain Currents multiphysics coupling () computes the appropriate conductivity tensor according to the mechanical stress or strain from the Linear Elastic Material node in the Solid Mechanics interface and the piezoresistivity properties from the Piezoresistive Material node in the Electric Currents interface. The computed conductivity tensor is passed to the Current Conservation node in the Electric Currents interface.
The Label is the default multiphysics coupling feature name.
The Name is used primarily as a scope prefix for variables defined by the coupling node. Refer to such variables in expressions using the pattern <name>.<variable_name>. In order to distinguish between variables belonging to different coupling nodes or physics interfaces, the name string must be unique. Only letters, numbers, and underscores (_) are permitted in the Name field. The first character must be a letter.
The default Name (for the first multiphysics coupling feature in the model) is pzrd1.
Domain Selection
Only domains that have both Piezoresistive Material selected in the Electric Currents interface and Linear Elastic Material selected in the Solid Mechanics interface are applicable.
Coupled Interfaces
This section defines the physics involved in the Piezoresistive Effect, Domain Currents multiphysics coupling. The Solid mechanics and Electric Currents lists include all applicable physics interfaces.
The default values depend on how the Piezoresistive Effect, Domain Currents node is created.
If it is added from the Physics ribbon (Windows users), Physics contextual toolbar (Mac and Linux users), or context menu (all users), then the first physics interface of each type in the component is selected as the default.
If it is added automatically when a Piezoresistivity, Domain Currents multiphysics coupling interface is selected in the Model Wizard or Add Physics window, then the participating Solid Mechanics and Electric Currents interfaces are selected.
You can also select None from either list to uncouple the Piezoresistive Effect, Domain Currents node from a physics interface. If the physics interface is removed from the Model Builder, for example if Solid Mechanics is deleted, then the list defaults to None as there is nothing to couple to.