The Electromechanics Interface
The Electromechanics interface (), found under the Electromagnetics-Structure Interaction () branch within the Structural Mechanics branch () or the Electromagnetics and Mechanics () branch within the AC/DC branch () when adding a physics interface, combines Solid Mechanics and Electrostatics with a moving mesh functionality to model the deformation of electrostatically actuated structures. The Electromechanics interface is available for 3D, planar 2D, and axisymmetric 2D geometries.
When this multiphysics interface is added using the Model Wizard, a Solid Mechanics interface and an Electrostatics interfaces are added to the Model Builder. In addition, the Multiphysics Couplings node is added, which automatically includes the multiphysics coupling feature Electromechanical Forces.
In previous versions of COMSOL Multiphysics (up to version 5.3), a specific physics interface called Electromechanics was added to the Model Builder. Now, a predefined multiphysics coupling approach is used, improving the flexibility and design options for your modeling. For specific details, see The Multiphysics Branch and Multiphysics Modeling Workflow in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual.
The full functionality of the Solid Mechanics and Electrostatics interfaces is accessible under the corresponding interfaces at the domain, boundary line, or point level in the geometry. The participating Electrostatics interface by default adds the Charge Conservation node with its selection set to all domains, and the material type set to Solid. This node serves to represent solid dielectric material domains. Any number of Charge Conservation nodes can be also added manually to the interface and configured to represent either solid or nonsolid (for example, air or free space) materials.