Theory for the Radiative Thermal Resistor Component
Let’s consider a set of opaque diffuse gray surfaces. The net radiative heat rate from the surface of index i is expressed in function of its radiosity and irradiation:
where the surface radiative resistance Ri is defined as:
with Ai the surface area (SI unit: m²) and εi the surface emissivity (dimensionless). See Theory for Surface-to-Surface Radiation for more details.
This allows a network representation of the radiative heat rate with Ebi and Ji as nodes. The surface resistance tends toward 0 for a large surface or a surface with large emissivity, for which the blackbody approximation holds.
When considering the surface of index i as part of an enclosure, the net radiative heat rate is expressed as:
where the space resistance is
where Fij is the view factor for surfaces i and j.
Two-Surface Enclosure
In the network representation of the radiative heat transfer in a two-surface enclosure, the surface resistance and the space resistance are connected in a serial way. Therefore the total radiative resistance is expressed as follows:
And the net radiation exchange is expressed as:
For specific configurations, the surface areas can be evaluated from the geometric dimensions and the view factors are equal to 1. Therefore the expression above simplifies (see Ref. 21 for details).
Concentric Spheres
The surface areas A1 and A2 verify
And the net radiation exchange is
Large (infinite) Parallel Planes
The surface areas A1 and A2 verify
And the net radiation exchange is
Long (infinite) Concentric Cylinders
The surface areas A1 and A2 verify
And the net radiation exchange is
These expressions are predefined options in the Radiative Thermal Resistor feature. Further simplifications can be made on the net radiation exchange when the blackbody assumption holds 1=ε2=1).