The Label is the default physics interface name.
The Name is used primarily as a scope prefix for variables defined by the physics interface. Refer to such physics interface variables in expressions using the pattern
<name>.<variable_name>. In order to distinguish between variables belonging to different physics interfaces, the
name string must be unique. Only letters, numbers, and underscores (_) are permitted in the
Name field. The first character must be a letter.
The default Name (for the first physics interface in the model) is
Define the Wavelength dependence of radiative properties.
Keep the default value, Constant, to define a diffuse gray radiation model. In this case, the surface properties (emissivity, radiosity, reflectivity, transmissivity, critical angle) have the same definition for all wavelengths. The surface properties can still depend on other quantities, in particular on the temperature.
Select Solar and ambient to define a diffuse spectral radiation model with two spectral bands, one for short wavelengths, [ 0, λsol/amb], (solar radiation) and one for large wavelengths, [ λsol/amb, +∞[, (ambient radiation). It is then possible to define the Separation point between spectral bands (SI unit: m), λsol/amb, to adjust the wavelength intervals corresponding to the solar and ambient radiation. The surface properties can be defined for each spectral band. In particular it is possible to define the solar absorptivity for short wavelengths and the surface emissivity for large wavelengths.
Select Multiple spectral bands and set the value of the Right endpoint for each spectral band in the table, to define a diffuse spectral radiation model. The value of the Right endpoint must be entered without unit. Modify the Wavelength unit to set the unit of all the endpoints. Right endpoint values should be set in an ascending order. The values of the Left endpoint for the next spectral band are updated automatically. It is possible to provide a definition of the surface properties for each spectral band.
The first Left endpoint and the last Right endpoint are predefined and equal to 0 and +∞, respectively.
The wavelengths λ set in Solar and ambient and Multiple spectral bands are the wavelengths in vacuum.
Modify the Transparent media refractive index to define the refractive index. Vacuum has a refractive index of 1, which is usually a good approximation for air refractive index.
Select the Use radiation groups check box to be able to define
Radiation Group (Surface-to-Surface Radiation Interface). Radiation groups can be used to speed up the radiation calculations by gathering boundaries that can see one another.
Select the Surface-to-surface radiation method:
Direct area integration,
Hemicube (the default), or
Ray shooting:
For Hemicube select a Radiation resolution — 256 is the default.
√ (Solar and ambient / Multiple spectral bands)
√ (Solar and ambient / Multiple spectral bands)
√ (Solar and ambient / Multiple spectral bands)
Hemicube is the default method for the heat transfer interfaces. The more sophisticated and general hemicube method uses a z-buffered projection on the sides of a hemicube (with generalizations to 2D and 1D) to account for shadowing effects. Think of it as rendering digital images of the geometry in five different directions (in 3D; in 2D only three directions are needed), and counting the pixels in each mesh element to evaluate its view factor.
Its accuracy can be influenced by setting the Radiation resolution of the virtual snapshots. The number of
z-buffer pixels on each side of the 3D hemicube equals the specified resolution squared. Thus the time required to evaluate the irradiation increases quadratically with resolution. In 2D, the number of
z-buffer pixels is proportional to the resolution property, and thus the time is, as well.
For an axisymmetric geometry, Gm and
Famb must be evaluated in a corresponding 3D geometry obtained by revolving the 2D boundaries about the axis. COMSOL Multiphysics creates this virtual 3D geometry by revolving the 2D boundary mesh into a 3D mesh. The resolution can be controlled in the azimuthal direction by setting the number of
Azimuthal sectors, which is the same as the number of elements to a full revolution. Try to balance this number against the mesh resolution in the
To compute the radiation incident upon surfaces, the ray shooting algorithm uses a backward ray tracing approach, emitting rays from each element outwards, to determine the total irradiation from surrounding elements. For each element, n+1 rays are launched in 2D and n²+1 rays in 3D where n is the value selected for Radiation resolution. To determine the direction of these rays, the hemisphere (angular space) is divided into n tiles in 2D and n² in 3D. The trajectories are computed as the rays are absorbed, reflected or transmitted on the model surfaces until their intensity becomes too small or if the rays go far away from the geometry. The threshold where the ray trajectory is no longer computed is controlled by the
Tolerance. On their trajectory, two adjacent rays can hit boundaries belonging to two different features, or detects differences in the radiosity. In such cases, the number of tiles can be locally refined up to a number of times defined by the
Maximum number of adaptations. This aims to detect irradiation from boundaries that are smaller than the tile size.
Set the Maximal number of reflections (default value is 1000) to define the maximal number of times that a specific ray is allowed to be reflected by a surface. This avoids infinite loops in case of perfectly reflecting surfaces. Using large values improves the view factor accuracy while small ones can be used to limit the view factor evaluation time.
When using directional dependent surface properties, set Angular dependent properties to define how the selected directional functions are evaluated.
Keep the default value, Full resolution, to evaluate the directional function for each direction. This option improves accuracy and is the most computationally intensive.
Select Interpolated function to sample the directional function on a grid with (k+1) points for Polar functions and (k+1)² grid points for Polar and Azimuthal functions. k is the Number of interpolation points (default value is 100), a strictly positive integer. The evaluation is done using linear interpolation between the sampled values. This option can speed up the view factor evaluation when directional dependent surface properties are used.
To improve the accuracy of the radiation computation the user may increase the Radiation resolution (default value is 8), decrease the
Tolerance (default value is 1e-3) or increase the
Maximum number of adaptations (default value is 3). Conversely changing these values in the opposite direction should decrease computational time. Also, higher values of the
Geometry shape order under
Component node may improve the results.
For an axisymmetric geometry, Gm and
Famb must be evaluated in a corresponding 3D geometry. The number of bounces of the rays in the azimuthal direction can be controlled by setting the
Azimuthal discretization (default value is 100).
This section is available by clicking the Show More Options button (

) and selecting
Advanced Physics Options in the
Show More Options dialog box.
Select the Store view factors on disk check box to store the view factors (mutual and external irradiation) in the model after the next computation. View factors are reused automatically provided the mesh, the selection of the radiating boundaries, the radiation direction, external radiation sources or symmetry conditions are unchanged. However, adding or removing a feature or modifying a feature selection in the
Surface-to-Surface radiation always forces to recompute view factors. The view factors are reused for example if only the value of the surface emissivity is changed. When coupled to a
Heat Transfer interface through a
Heat Transfer with Surface-to-Surface Radiation multiphysics coupling, changes for example on temperature, source or flux conditions can be made in the
Heat Transfer interface without having to recompute the view factors. The view factors are stored in the model file which may induce a noticeable increase in file size. When this check box is cleared and the model is saved, view factors are removed from the model file. View factors are also removed from the model when clearing the mesh and the solution.
Define the View factors update threshold to control the frequency of view factors computation in time-dependent simulation. This setting is used in models containing a
Moving Mesh node under
Definitions, when the
Symmetry for Surface-to-Surface Radiation feature uses one or more moving symmetry planes or with time-dependent specular surface properties.
Keep the default value, Every nonlinear iteration, to update the view factors every nonlinear iteration. This option is the most computationally intensive.
Select Every Nth time to update the view factors at least every Nth time where N is the View factors update time (SI unit: s). For example, set View factors update time to 1e-3[s] to enforce the update every 1e-3s of simulation time.
Select Never update to never update view factors. This option can be used when view factors update has little effect on the results (short timescales, small geometry changes). This option is the least computationally intensive.
Select User defined to define the view factors update threshold manually. The view factors are updated each time the Expression changes by more than the Tolerance. By default, the tolerance is set to -1 to force the view factor to be recomputed every nonlinear iteration. For example, set Expression to intop1(1) and Tolerance to 0.15[m], where intop1() is an integration operator over a deforming boundary, to update view factors when the boundary length changes more than 0.15m compared with the previous view factors calculation.
Select the High order mesh elements check box to use the mesh elements as they are defined by the geometry shape functions to compute view factors. This option is designed to improve the accuracy and is expected to be more computationally expensive. If not selected, the view factors are computed using linearized mesh elements.
Select the Mesh element self-irradiation to account for self-irradiation when a mesh element is concave with respect to the radiation direction. Self-irradiation is always accounted for in ray shooting.
This section is available by clicking the Show More Options button (

) and selecting
Advanced Physics Options in the
Show More Options dialog box.
Set the Jacobian contribution.
Keep the default value, Only local contributions to radiosity, to exclude the irradiation contribution to the Jacobian matrix block corresponding to the radiosity degrees of freedom. This option is expected to reduce dramatically the time and the memory required to solve the model.
Select Include contributions from total irradiation to include the irradiation in the Jacobian matrix and perform the full Jacobian evaluation. This option can ease the convergence.
Select Linear (the default),
Quartic or
Quintic to define the discretization level used for the
Surface radiosity shape function.