This node provides a suitable boundary condition for convection-dominated heat transfer at outlet boundaries. In a model with convective heat transfer, this condition states that the only heat transfer occurring across the boundary is by convection. The temperature gradient in the normal direction is zero, and there is no radiation. This is usually a good approximation of the conditions at an outlet boundary in a heat transfer model with fluid flow.
Boundary Selection
The Outflow node does not require any user input. If required, select the boundaries that are convection-dominated outlet boundaries.
Heat Sink: Application Library path Heat_Transfer_Module/Tutorials,_Forced_and_Natural_Convection/heat_sink
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with interface as Heat Transfer in Solids and Fluids, or any version of the Heat Transfer interface selected:
Physics tab with Porous Medium>Fluid selected in the model tree: