Permission Templates
A permission template () is a saved list of permission assignments for a set of users and groups that you can apply to database objects. You can, for example, use a permission template to reuse the same permissions for a large collection of models, only having to update in one place — the permission template itself — in case you want to change these permissions.
Model Manager comes with three Predefined Permission Templates, descriptively named Public, Protected, and Private, for each of the database objects that you can control access to. You can also create custom permission templates for Models and Files — see Creating your own Permission Templates.
Permission Template Settings
The Settings window for a permission template shows:
Database. The label of the database that the permission template belongs to.
Name. The name of the permission template.
Type. The object type that the permission template can be applied to. Either Model or File.
Clicking the Save button () saves the Name field and permission assignments for the permission template.
Permission Assignments
Click Add to add permissions for a user or group to the permission template. In the Add dialog box, type a name or display name for users and groups and click the Search button. Select the user or group you want to add in the search result table. You can also select the special Everyone or Owner options — see Everyone and Owner. At the bottom of the dialog box, select the permissions to assign the selection. Click OK to add the permission assignment.
Select a row in the permission assignment table and click Edit to change the permissions for the selection. Click Remove to remove the selection from the table.
Click the Save button () to save any changed permission assignments to the database.