A tag () is used to label and organize models, files, and even other tags in the database — see Tagging Models and Files to learn more. Tags can be created by importing them from folders on the file system or by manually creating new tags from within the Model Manager workspace.
Similar to Models and Files, tags are version controlled in the database. Whenever you save a tag in the database, a new tag version is created. Unlike versions of models and files, however, versions of tags do not have any underlying content associated with them.
Tag Settings
The Settings window for a tag shows settings for a specific version of the tag. Update any of the settings and click the Save button () to save a new version of the tag. You can write an optional save comment. Click OK to save.
The Version Section
This section displays the following fields:
Location. The location in the database in which the tag version is saved. See Locations.
Saved. The time when the tag version was saved.
Saved by. The display name of the user that saved the tag version.
Title. The title of the tag in the saved version.
The Tags Section
This section displays a tree of all available tags that can be set on the tag, with the check boxes for the assigned tags selected. Click Clear Tags () to clear all selections. See also The Tag Tree.