Opening Models from Databases
From the Open window, you can find and open versions of models from one of your configured databases (see Adding Databases). Choose the database that you want to open a model from in the list of options. Choose Add Database () if you want to add a new database.
The Open window is shown with a list of models saved in the database. Select a model and click the Open button () to open the model in the COMSOL Desktop. If a model is also an application, you can click Run () to launch and run the application directly.
The Open Window in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual
Finding models to Open
You find models to open by writing search expressions in the search field and clicking the Search button. You can write plain search words and any number of filter expressions using The Model Manager Search Syntax. Plain search words will match on the title, description, tags, and filename of a model.
You can also apply separate Item and Content Filters via The Filter Dialog Box. Select a filter from the Add Filter menu button () in the toolbar to open the dialog box. Applied filters are shown below the search field — see The Applied Filters Toolbar.
You search among the latest versions of models by default. Each entry in the result list contains the title of the model in that version, the time when the version was saved, and the name of the user that saved the version. The search result is sorted on title, with a maximum of 100 models initially included in the result list. Click the Show More button () to include more matches.
The Open Window Toolbar
The toolbar above the search field contains the following toolbar buttons:
Click the Refresh button () to refresh the search result while keeping the search expression and applied filters unchanged.
Click the Show More button () to include more matching models in the search result.
Click the Reset button () to clear the current search expression and applied filters.
Click the Add Filter menu button () to apply a filter.
Select Location in Database
You can change which model versions to search for by selecting another location — see Searching Versions and Locations. Click the link button above the search field to open The Select Location Dialog Box to select which location to search. The link button is hidden if there is only one location available in the database, which is the default for a new database.