Opening a Local Database
You can add an already existing database to the COMSOL Desktop. This is useful, for example, if you want to move a local database created on an old computer to a new computer.
From the Open dialog box, browse to and choose the SQLite® database file for the database you want to add. Click the Open button to add the database.
Model Manager will check that the resources directory and the index directory for the database, as described in A Local Database on the File System, are found next to the database file. If it fails to find these directories, or if it fails to connect to the database, the Open Local Database window is shown.
Write the path to the SQLite® database file under Database file.
Write the path to the resources directory under Resources directory.
Write the path to the index directory under Search index directory.
Click the Add Database button () to add the existing database.
Opening a Local Database from Multiple COMSOL Multiphysics Processes
You can access the same local database from multiple COMSOL Multiphysics program sessions, as long as the database is not placed on a network drive. There are, however, a few caveats to keep in mind:
Some advanced search and filter functionality, as described in Searching and Filtering, will only be available to the first program session that connects to the local database. Other program sessions use a simplified search.