Matched Fields
The fields matched against in a full text search differ slightly depending on the search capabilities of the searched location.
Matching Item Fields and Content
Full text search words match the following Model Settings and File Settings when Item fields and content is configured for a branch:
The Title field of a model or file.
The Description field of a model or file.
The Filename field of a model or file.
The title of assigned Tags. Either tags assigned directly to an item or an ancestor to such a tag in The Tag Tree.
Unlike when Matching Only Text and Tags, the full text search does not match against the file type extension of a file. You can, however, search on such extensions using a File Type filter.
Matching Only Text and Tags
Full text search words match the following Model Settings and File Settings when Only text and tags is configured for a branch or when searching in a snapshot or in a commit:
The Title field of a model or file.
The Description field of a model or file.
The Filename field of a model or file.
Selecting Tags instead of the default Text in the list next to the Search button in The Model Manager Window matches search words on the title of assigned tags — either tags assigned directly to an item or an ancestor to such a tag in The Tag Tree.