The Graphics Window
The Graphics window (Figure 6-2) is a graphical view of the geometry, mesh, and results of the model. The window has useful tools for changing the view and selecting multiple entities — geometry objects when creating the geometry as well as domains, boundaries, edges, and points to define the physics features or to select geometric entities for fine-tuning the mesh or evaluating quantities in a certain part of the model, for example.
The toolbar at the top of the Graphics window has a set of tools for changing the visualization (for example, to zoom in or out or to add transparency) and for making selections. The available tools are dynamic and change based on the space dimension and what you are viewing in the graphics window at the time. See The Graphics Toolbar Buttons and Navigation.
Figure 6-2: The Graphics window displaying a Surface plot for the Diagonal Mounting Detail of a Communication Mast model. This image displays for Windows users. The macOS and Linux Graphics windows look slightly different but functions the same and has the same toolbar.
About the Graphics Window Logo
By default, the Graphics window includes the COMSOL logo in the upper-right corner of the canvas. You can remove the logo or use a custom logo instead. To do so, open the Preferences dialog box and select the Graphics and Plot Windows page. To remove the logo, clear the Show logo on canvas check box. To use a custom logo, add the image file for the logo in the Logo file field (click Browse to locate the logo file on the file system). Leave the Logo file field empty to return to the COMSOL logo. The logo is updated when you click OK and close the Preferences dialog box.
About Graphics Rendering
For the graphics rendering, COMSOL uses OpenGL® rendering by default. It is also possible to use DirectX® rendering (Windows® only) or software rendering. Software rendering may be necessary in some cases, such as running COMSOL via a remote connection. You can change the type of rendering from the Rendering list on the Graphics and Plot Windows page in the Preferences dialog box.