Previous Solution
The Previous Solution node () is an optional attribute node of the Parametric attribute node and the Time-Dependent Solver node. It handles field variables that have to be accessed at a previous parameter value or time. In time-dependent studies, it can be useful for time-dependent contact problems with friction, for example.
Use the Variables list to specify which variables to associate with the previous parameter value or time step rather than the present one.
Use the Linear solver list to select a solver for the linear systems associated with the quantities specified by Variables. The available solvers are of the types Direct, Iterative, and Lumped. The Lumped option provides the same functionality as the Lumped Step for the Segregated attribute node, applied to all variables specified in the Variables list in the Previous Solution node’s settings.
As a subnode for a Time-Dependent Solver node, there is a Damping factor check box (cleared by default) and an associated input field allowing a value between 0 and 1 (default: 1). If selected, the damped is equal to .