When GMRES or FGMRES is selected, enter a Number of iterations before restart to specify how many iterations the solver should take between each restart. A larger number increases robustness but also memory use and computational time.
When GMRES, BiCGStab, TFQMR, or Conjugate gradients is selected, select an option from the Preconditioning list to specify whether to precondition the linear system matrix from the Left or from the Right. Normally, this setting does not significantly influence the convergence behavior of the selected solver. This setting is not available when the Krylov Preconditioner subnode is added under a Schur Source Solver node.
Fixed number of iterations to perform a fixed number of iterations each time the solver is used.
Use tolerance to terminate the solver when a tolerance is fulfilled. Then enter a Relative tolerance and the Maximum number of iterations the solver is allowed to take. When this number of iterations has been performed without reaching the tolerance specified in the Relative tolerance field, the solver is automatically stopped with an error message.
Iterations or tolerance to terminate when the estimated tolerance is smaller than a specified tolerance or after a specified number of iterations, whichever comes first. Then enter a Relative tolerance.