Frozen Rotor with Stationary Free Surface
The Frozen Rotor with Stationary Free Surface () study is used for simulations of flow in rotating machinery when a Stationary Free Surface postprocessing feature is applied (available with the CFD Module). It consists of two study steps: a Frozen Rotor study step solving for the velocity, pressure, turbulence, and other fields, followed by a Stationary Free Surface study step solving for the free surface deformation. In the Frozen Rotor study step, the rotating parts are kept frozen in position, and the rotation is accounted for by the inclusion of centrifugal and Coriolis forces. In the Stationary Free Surface study step, the surface deformation is evaluated from a linearized free surface condition using the pressure from the Frozen Rotor study step.
The study is especially suited for flow in rotating machinery where the topology of the geometry does not change with rotation. It is also used to compute the initial conditions for time-dependent simulations of flow in rotating machinery.
Use the Frozen Rotor with Stationary Free Surface study with the Rotating Machinery, Laminar Flow, and Rotating Machinery, Turbulent Flow interfaces, which require the CFD Module, or the Mixer Module plus the CFD Module.
With the CFD Module and Mixer Module: Free Surface Mixer, Application Library path Mixer_Module/Tutorials/free_surface_mixer.