Frequency Domain, Modal Reduced-Order Model
The Frequency Domain, Modal Reduced-Order Model () node is not a study in itself; rather, it adds a number of nodes to the Model Builder tree to facilitate a reduced-order model (ROM) creation. These nodes are configured to set up a ROM to perform a frequency domain analysis using mode superposition.
Three studies are added:
One study with an Eigenfrequency study step for computing the eigenfrequencies and corresponding eigenmodes.
One study with a Frequency Domain study step. This study can mainly be considered as a placeholder that is a mandatory input to the model reduction.
One study with a Model Reduction study step, in which the ROM is created. It references the two previous studies. In the common case that you have already computed the eigenmodes, you can change the setting of the Training study in this node to point to the old eigenfrequency study, and then delete the newly generated one.
Under Global Definitions, a Reduced-Order Modeling node becomes available. It contains two subnodes:
A Global Reduced Model Inputs node in which you define the control parameters for the ROM.
A Frequency Domain, Modal Reduced-Order Model node. This is a placeholder for the ROM to be created.