Study Reference
Use a Study Reference node () to refer to another study in the model. The default name of the study reference node is the name of the study it refers to, such as Study 2.
You can use a Study Reference node to combine and nest several studies. Some examples:
If your license includes the Optimization Module, you can use Study Reference nodes to perform parameterized or nested optimization and to do derivative-free optimization where the objective and constraints are evaluated for different studies. See the Optimization Module User’s Guide for more information.
The study reference node’s Settings window includes the following section:
Study Reference
From the Study reference list, select any available study in the model, except the one that contains the study reference node itself. The default setting, None, means that there is no reference to another study. Click the Go to Source button () to move to the main Study node for the study that the study reference node refers to.
The Study Reference node is a pointer to another Study and triggers the execution of the study the reference points to when it is the Study Reference node’s turn in the study sequence. However, there are no Compile Equations, Dependent Variables, or solver nodes created in the solver sequence associated with the current study. You therefore need to specify initial values to subsequent nodes or solutions to input studies explicitly if they should refer to solutions referenced by a Study Reference. If the target of a study reference is changed, those settings need to be reset manually.